Crystal Araniva

My name is Crystal Araniva, I am in 12th grade. I joined girls build LA team because I wanted to be part of a club that focuses on current events and feel like I have a voice. For fun I like to listen to music, watch movies, and spend time with my friends and family. My favorite show is Teen Wolf and Supernatural. In my community the poverty and violence issues encouraged me to make a difference in my community because it is something close to home that has affected the people I care about and I want to prevent these hardships for the rest of my community. As a female I feel empowered about being in this program because i feel there aren't enough women in roles of power that make changes in society. I plan to learn leadership and communication skills from this team. In the future I plan to use these skills in all my future endeavors to make me a better member in society and I like cheese. I worked on the website and trained new members on how to do website.
Estefania Lopez

I am Estefania Lopez and I am an 12th grade student at Simon Tech. I like to read, spend time with my family and code. I joined Girls Build LA because it will give me a change to really give back to my community and aware my community of the social issues that surround us. I want other teens to get actively in the community as well as other adults because together we can bring change. I was in charge of video and photography, and trained new members how to do website.
Adilene Lopez

My name is Adilene Lopez, I am currently a senior here at Simon Tech. I decided to join the Girls Build LA with the purpose of bringing awareness to all current events that for the most part are not really reflected in media. I also joined with the purpose of motivating other young adults to form part of a change. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and catching up with school work as well as getting involved with in civil justice. I am the Chair of the GBLA project which involved drafting agendas, checking with the team, and looking at data. I also co-wrote the petition
My name is Adilene Lopez, I am currently a senior here at Simon Tech. I decided to join the Girls Build LA with the purpose of bringing awareness to all current events that for the most part are not really reflected in media. I also joined with the purpose of motivating other young adults to form part of a change. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and catching up with school work as well as getting involved with in civil justice. I am the Chair of the GBLA project which involved drafting agendas, checking with the team, and looking at data. I also co-wrote the petition
Estefani Hernandez
Diane Jaime
Karla Hernandez
Yanaira Ponce
Argentina Talley
I am in the 9th grade. I am Californian girl who loves to do good on schoolwork and loves reading. I am Christian, in which I wear skirts always and read the Bible. I am a freshman at Simon Tech High School, and I love cats. I always drink my green tea milkshake, and care about my family and friends. I help out others when they need it and share kindness with everyone. I never silence my voice and speak up for the oppressed. I was a workshop presenter and a delegate to city council